Here is a smattering of the very best of the web I've found so far in my search for guidance and resources in Spanish instruction for middle schoolers:
This wonderful man has uploaded instructional videos for teaching Spanish. I personally use his videos as a reteach/ review for my students. The niños-yo get tired of listening to me talk and I get tired of talking, too! This is as close to bringing in television and competing with their over-stimulating world to get their attention as I can get.
I love this video series from the BBC. It really helps me incorporate more listening and speaking opportunities for the niños-yo. Again, helps me compete for their attention.
More tools from the BBC. Great for use if you have a Language Lab (lucky you if you do!) or if you get a chance to use the COWS (computers on wheels).
Not only great for quickly looking up translations and conjugations online, be you student or teacher, but the niños-yo can sign up on the "learn spanish" tab for their own account, allowing them to go through levels of Spanish at their own pace. With videos, flashcards, and repetition, it's another great site if you have a Language Lab, access to COWS, or niños-yo that want to further their studies at home.
Awesome site! It's a concise outline of essential grammar structures based on John Turner's All the Spanish Grammar You Really Need to Know. I used to send my high schoolers to it for help; might be too advanced for middle schoolers. Great to help you as the instructor explain things and has examples and exercises you could send them to.
Although I am a Texas A&M graduate, I can appreciate something good from the burnt orange side of Texas. This site has recordings of native speakers modeling various tasks such as "counting to ten" and "role-playing you've just misplaced your boarding pass." With levels from Beginning to Intermediate to Advanced to Superior, it's great for exposing your niños-yo to different accents and more listening activities.
Fabulous resource for teachers and parents. Includes workshops and tools to assist with time and life management planning. and
Glorious plethora of videos, worksheets, and activities particularly great if you're using Bien Viaje as your textbook.
Check out the LinguaFolio. I have big plans for introducing this in my classes next year.
Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Pyramid. I haven't gotten the chance to play with everything on there yet, but I do love you've never tried it before.
If you've found a great Spanish teacher blog or site, please leave a comment below and share with the rest of us!
¡Juntos podemos cambiar el mundo! Or at least make our jobs a little easier! ☺ !
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